WIPocalypse 2019 Kickoff Post !
Hi ! I hope you had a very satisfying year 2018 not only in your Embroidery/cross stitch life but in every aspect of it. And I wish your year 2019 will be better <3
Long time no Wipocalypse ! My last post was in April, almost one year ago :) I did not post a lot because school kept me very busy. Now that things may calm down a little bit for the next weeks - courses are over and I am writing my thesis- i may have more time to stitch and to post on the blog!
For those who are not familiar with the WIPocalypse concept, Melissa from
Measi's Musings hosts a SAL where we are encourage to work on our embroidery WIP like it's the end of the world soon, and report our progress at the end of each month. We also have to answer some questions about ourselves, our work etc. You can read about it in the
WIPocalypse 2019 Info Page
Topic of the month
January 6 – Introduce yourself, your projects, and any goals you have for the year!
I've been posting under the name of Merlynn for a while. I needed a name on instagram and it came like this (because friends of mine used to call me Merlyn like the mage when I was younger). Fun fact is I learned at 18 years old in my second year of college that the usual name i had was not my real legal name. It was not the first time i was aware of it, but my mom always told me it was a mistake on my birth certificate. But at 18 years old, governement issued all my cards passport, driving license, etc to my new name. I was confused, but my teachers and friends were more ! Imagine the friend/student you knew for some time has now a new name. Weird !
Someday I may post under my real name.. who knows ? I consider Merlynn is perfect for the moment xD
I am a 28 years old grad student in Population Studies in Montréal (Canada) and I live with my boyfriend from the past 8 years ( before you ask, we mostly marry after children in Canada, not before xD ). I know that he reeeaallly loves me because he bought me a secret stash that fits with our couch to plank all my embroidery things that where blooming everywhere in our apartment since the last 5 years.
(Very Non-Suspicious Furniture) |
Tadaa ! |
(Yes, I post memes everywhere. Be aware)
I also work part time as a statistical assistant in a Governement Agency . I use my (almost non existent) spare time to do embroidery, mostly Cross Stitch and Japanese Embroidery. But as i wrote earlier, now that my courses, exams, etc are done, i should have more time to stitch (but we all know it's a lie).
I discovered embroidery when i was young, in 4th grade, a girl form my class was doing a Snow White embroidery in a homemade hoop, and i asked my mom if i could do the same. My mother, who didn't had any knowledge of embroidery at all - not like that girl who had been taught by her grandmother - bought me a very small cross stitch kit from a magazine. It was a porcelain cup, first of four kits of a China Set. I will always remember how much i was disappointed because i wanted a Snow White embroidery too xD I tried it anyway.... and i loved it! I did around 10 or 12 small projects from the kits i was receiving every month. (Maybe I should post about it !! )
Then, teenage hit me, and i left all the embroidery to concentrate my time on chatting on the phone about boys with my friends.
Fast forward ~ 10 years later, late 2013, my mom sent me a lot of stuff including my old cross stitch staff. And then here i am in 2019, still doing embroidery !! I really love it ... when I have the time !
About my projects... well I have a lot!
First, about cross stitch
# 1 Villa Mirabilia from Nora Corbett Mirabilia
My main goal in 2019 is to work on this.
My last picture from this project is the same as last time
Same picture as last time. The main problem with this piece is - there is always a problem !! - that I wanted to have 32ct linen to work on, but the lady at the small boutique i went only had 28ct in that colour. I got pressured into buying it to not displease the lady, but i realize years later that it wasn't a good idea. I hate to to work on 28, as i never liked 14ct Aida. I don't know if i will ever finish it, but try to do some work there and there on it. I put on some stitches this automn and during the Holidays, but don't have picture right now. Maybe in the next WIPocalypse !!
#2 Charlotte, from Nora Corbett Mirabilia
Oh my sweet baby Charlotte.
I still cry my lost of the pattern. It was my first Mirabilia i bought and I fell in love with the colours immediately.
If I ever find or buy another pattern, I will surely finish her.
#3 ????
Finally, I have a lot off UFO lying in my
secret stash. If you read some older posts on my blog, you can see all of them. At first, I don't plan to stitch them but maybe I'll pick one to work on this year, we never know what can happen !!
Second, about Japanese Embroidery
In 2017, i had my first class in Japanese Embroidery, and it was love at first sight (almost). I now have to pieces in progress that i will absolutely work on this year !
#1 Sensu, Phase 2-3 of JEC
In April, I will follow my second class of Japanese Embroidery, with a Teacher from Edmonton that will come to Montreal. I chose to work on Sensu for this piece
© JEC/Dima Santina |
Before class, we have to do some homework : filling foundation in the 3 clouds. I worked on this in the last two weeks
Light is bad, sorry !! |
This represents 5.25 hours of work, and I haven't filled the half of it !!! Japanese Embroidery is very time consuming !
Since I have to finish everything before April, and realizing the crazy amount of time i will have to put on this, this is my very main goal in the next months. I can't wait to see this piece finished !
My friend Dima is working on the other project from the same phase, Hiogi. You can follow her process here on her blog
D1-D2 . She also does a lot of exquisite other types of embroidery !!
#2 Bouquet from the Heart of Japan, Phase 1 of JEC
© JEC/Andrée Domeyne |
My first project of Japanese Embroidery ! I had to put it on the side to concentrate on my phase 2.
Here is what it looks like as today
© JEC/Merlynn |
I don't know when I will work on it. Maybe when I will get tired of twisting threads !
So that's it for this long post about me and me embroidery projects for WIPocalypse 2019 ! Thanks for visiting, i hope you will enjoy my blog that i try to resurrect from time to time. I hope I can write more about interesting thing hat I come across and related to embroidery, my challenges but also my small victories.
We will see ! Trying to post every month for WIPocalypse will be a small victory in itself !
You can also follow me on instagram with the @merlynn.stitch